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Green life pheromone system



Regular price Rs. 120.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 120.00
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Product Description:

The present research findings show that Insects always has the innate characteristic to get attracted to colours. This innate character was mainly used here for mass trapping and management of sucking pests under field conditions by using yellow color traps. Thrips and whitefly show greater phototactic response to bright yellow colour compared to other colours however another sucking pest Jassid also can be managed through Yellow Sticky Traps. They make waves favored by the insects which get attracted. They can raise the capturing chances of success.

How They Work:

These sheets are coated on both sides with special non drying insect trapping adhesive specially formulated for the trapping of sucking pests. The color of trap has been selected as being a very attractive color for pests/insects, which become entangled and held in the glue when seeking to land on the trap, catching nuisance flying insects particularly where poison sprays cannot be used. Aphids ,Jassids, Green fly & leaf hoppers and many other flying insects are attracted to the color yellow, while thrips are attracted to the color blue. These traps are installed in the fields at the rate of 5-7 traps per acre for monitoring. Traps should normally be attached to stakes at crop height and placed within the crop with at least 50m between each trap.


  • Physical Dimensions          :   28cms x 11cms
  • Available Colours               :   Yellow & Blue
  • Materials of construction   :   U V Stabilized Plastic Polymer

Target pests:

Whitefly, Leafminer, Aphid, Thrips , Fruit fly ,Moths and other flying insects.

Host Crops:

Floriculture, Polyhouse, Bengal gram, Cabbage, Chilli, Chrysanthemum, Cotton, Cow pea, Green gram, Groundnut, Maize, Okra, Red gram, Rice, Sorghum, Soybean, Sunflower, Tomato, Cotton, Pigeon pea, Chickpea, Sorghum, Peas, Tobacco, Potatoes & Maize.

Effective life span in the field :

Single season (subject to weather conditions).

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